Create Real Estate
The API provides functionality to create a new real estate listing by sending a
request to the /chat/Chatbot/RealEstateCreate
Request URL:
Method: POST
Request Headers
The API request must include the following headers:
Authorization: <Your-Secret-Key>
- string, required - The secret key for authenticating the API requestContent-Type: application/json
- string, required - The content type of the request payload (must be application/json)
Request Body
The request body should contain the following parameters:
// string, required - The ID of the chatbot (found on the chatbot settings -> general -> chatbot ID)
"SerialNumber": "3254a9d0424c4806b9ea3d0763xxxxxx",
// string, required - Must be one of: [for_sale, for_rent]
"SaleType": "for_sale",
// string, required - Must be one of: [Active, PreOnMarket, Sold]
"Status": "Active",
// string, required - Currency symbol (e.g., $)
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
// string, required - Type of property (e.g., Single Family Residential)
"PropertyType": "Single Family Residential",
// number, required - Number of bedrooms
"Bedrooms": 3,
// number, required - Number of bathrooms
"Bathrooms": 2.5,
// string, required - Property listing URL
"Url": "",
// string, required - MLS number
"MLSNumber": "MLS123456",
// number, required - Year the property was built
"YearBuilt": 1998,
// number, required - Number of days on market
"DaysOnMarket": 2,
// number, required - Lot area size
"LotArea": 800,
// number, required - Building area size
"BuildingArea": 2500,
// string, required - Must be one of: [Square Feet, Square Meters]
"AreaUnit": "Square Feet",
// array - Array of image URLs
"Images": [
// string - Must be one of: [OpenHouse, 3D]
"Tours": "OpenHouse",
// number, required - Number of parking spots
"ParkingSpots": 8,
// string - Property description
"Description": "Beautiful family home with modern amenities",
// array - Additional property information in format [{'Key': 'xx', 'value': 'xx'}]
"ExtensionColumn": [
"Key": "Pool",
"value": "Yes"
"Key": "Garage",
"value": "2 cars"
// string - Property location description
"Location": "Residential Area",
// string - Street address
"Address": "123 Main St",
// string - City name
"City": "Los Angeles",
// string - State name
"State": "CA",
// string - ZIP code
"ZIP": "90001",
// number - Property latitude
"Latitude": 30.96,
// number - Property longitude
"Longitude": -78.93,
// number - Sale price
"SalePrice": 100000,
// number - Price per unit area
"UnitAreaPrice": 100,
// number - Monthly HOA fee
"HOAMonth": 500,
// number - Zestimate price
"ZestimatePrice": 100000,
// number - Monthly rent price
"RentPrice": 2500,
// string - Must be one of: [Entire place, Room]
"SpaceType": "Entire place",
// number - Required deposit amount
"DepositFee": 5000
- string, required - The ID of the chatbot (found on the chatbot settings -> general -> chatbot ID)SaleType
- string, required - Must be one of: [for_sale, for_rent]Status
- string, required - Must be one of: [Active, PreOnMarket, Sold]CurrencySymbol
- string, required - Currency symbol (e.g., $)PropertyType
- string, required - Type of property (e.g., Single Family Residential)Bedrooms
- number, required - Number of bedroomsBathrooms
- number, required - Number of bathroomsUrl
- string, required - Property listing URLMLSNumber
- string, required - MLS numberYearBuilt
- number, required - Year the property was builtDaysOnMarket
- number, required - Number of days on marketLotArea
- number, required - Lot area sizeBuildingArea
- number, required - Building area sizeAreaUnit
- string, required - Must be one of: [Square Feet, Square Meters]Images
- array - Array of image URLsTours
- string - Must be one of: [OpenHouse, 3D]ParkingSpots
- number, required - Number of parking spotsDescription
- string - Property descriptionExtensionColumn
- array - Additional property information in format [{'Key': 'xx', 'value': 'xx'}]Location
- string - Property location descriptionAddress
- string - Street addressCity
- string - City nameState
- string - State nameZIP
- string - ZIP codeLatitude
- number - Property latitudeLongitude
- number - Property longitudeSalePrice
- number - Sale priceUnitAreaPrice
- number - Price per unit areaHOAMonth
- number - Monthly HOA feeZestimatePrice
- number - Zestimate priceRentPrice
- number - Monthly rent priceSpaceType
- string - Must be one of: [Entire place, Room]DepositFee
- number - Required deposit amount
Example Request
JavaScript (Fetch API)
const res = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
"chatrobot-sessionkey": "<Your-Session-Key>"
body: JSON.stringify({
"SerialNumber": "3254a9d0424c4806b9ea3d0763xxxxxx",
"SaleType": "for_sale",
"Status": "Active",
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
"PropertyType": "Single Family Residential",
"Bedrooms": 3,
"Bathrooms": 2.5,
"Url": "",
"MLSNumber": "MLS123456",
"YearBuilt": 1998,
"DaysOnMarket": 2,
"LotArea": 800,
"BuildingArea": 2500,
"AreaUnit": "Square Feet",
"ParkingSpots": 8
const data = await res.json();
Python (Requests Library)
import requests
import json
url = ''
headers = {
"chatrobot-sessionkey": "<Your-Session-Key>"
data = {
"SerialNumber": "3254a9d0424c4806b9ea3d0763xxxxxx",
"SaleType": "for_sale",
"Status": "Active",
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
"PropertyType": "Single Family Residential",
"Bedrooms": 3,
"Bathrooms": 2.5,
"Url": "",
"MLSNumber": "MLS123456",
"YearBuilt": 1998,
"DaysOnMarket": 2,
"LotArea": 800,
"BuildingArea": 2500,
"AreaUnit": "Square Feet",
"ParkingSpots": 8
response =, headers=headers, json=data)
data = response.json()
curl '' \
-H 'chatrobot-sessionkey: <Your-Session-Key>' \
-d '{"SerialNumber":"3254a9d0424c4806b9ea3d0763xxxxxx","SaleType":"for_sale","Status":"Active","CurrencySymbol":"$","PropertyType":"Single Family Residential","Bedrooms":3,"Bathrooms":2.5,"Url":"","MLSNumber":"MLS123456","YearBuilt":1998,"DaysOnMarket":2,"LotArea":800,"BuildingArea":2500,"AreaUnit":"Square Feet","ParkingSpots":8}'
HTTP Request
POST /chat/Chatbot/RealEstateCreate HTTP/1.1
chatrobot-sessionkey: <Your-Session-Key>
"SerialNumber": "3254a9d0424c4806b9ea3d0763xxxxxx",
"SaleType": "for_sale",
"Status": "Active",
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
"PropertyType": "Single Family Residential",
"Bedrooms": 3,
"Bathrooms": 2.5,
"Url": "",
"MLSNumber": "MLS123456",
"YearBuilt": 1998,
"DaysOnMarket": 2,
"LotArea": 800,
"BuildingArea": 2500,
"AreaUnit": "Square Feet",
"ParkingSpots": 8